MCH receives shipments from Monday 25 September. Remember to mark all your goods and shipping documents / letters clearly with your company name and stand number.
Goods, packages and letters sent to MCH Messecenter Herning are brought to your stand.
Please note that we do not acknowledge shipments but refer the carrier to contact you on your stand.
All packages and letters must be clearly marked with your company name, hall and stand number and send to:
Company: XXX / Stand No.: X XXXX
C/O MCH Messecenter Herning – HI Tech & Industry Scandinavia
Entrance through Port 25 via port 21
DK-7400 Herning
Goods must be delivered directly to the stand. If the driver is unable to unload the goods himself, please contact Sand Spedition. You can also book directly at
Please note
It is not permitted to drive goods in through the doors in the entrances to MCH. Instead, goods must be transported through the gates to the surrounding halls.
All packages and letters must be clearly marked with your company name, hall and stand number.
Packages must be labelled as follows:
Company: XXX / Stand no.: X XXXX
C/O MCH Messecenter Herning - HI Tech & Industry Scandinavia
Entrance through Port 13 → Port 21
DK-7400 Herning
Letters must be labelled:
Company: XXX / Stand no.: X XXXX
C/O MCH Messecenter Herning - HI Tech & Industry Scandinavia
Vardevej 1
DK-7400 Herning
All goods must be unloaded at the stand.
Hall C, D, E, F, G, L & M
Entrance at Port 25 via Port 21
DK-7400 Herning
Port 21 > Port 25 - then drive to the hall
Exit via Port 25 > Port 21 - Messevejen
Hall J and K
Vardevej 1
DK-7400 Herning
Port 3 - then drive to the hall
Exit via Port 3 - Vardevej 1
The goods must be delivered directly to the stand. If the driver is unable to unload the goods himself, please contact Sand Spedition.
You can also order your freight, truck assistance or packaging storage directly from Lars Vistisen.
For stand construction purposes, it is important that larger exhibits are placed on the stands as early as possible.
If you are planning to exhibit larger objects that require a truck or other transport equipment to place them on the stand, please contact Rune Noesgaard - no later than Monday 18 September.
However, it is only necessary to contact MCH if the exhibits are more than three metres in width or height.
Rune Noesgaard
Logistics, construction
& dismantling
T: +45 99 26 98 65
Lars Vistisen
Sand Spedition
T: +45 97 14 51 00
MCH Storage
T: +45 99 26 95 25